20 Aug 2013

New Hack Dragon City Gold And Another Feautures

13 komentar

Hello Brackedcommunity Today Im Sharing Cheat DC Gold 5m and another feautures

Link Cheat HERE

Username  : @super

Password  : gold
Proxy And Port HERE

Thanks : Aldy Bonpas Pasuruan

Mutants Genetic Gladiators Hack

22 komentar

Hello Brackedcommunity Today Im Sharing Mutant Genetic Gladiator Multiply Damage Hack

Download Cheat Engine

Download Code


Free Dragon Dragon City

33 komentar

Hello Brackedcommunity Today Im Sharing Cheat Dc unlimited dragon





NOTE : Need Recruitment Tavern


19 Aug 2013

Great trick CafeLand

1 komentar

Hello Brackedcommunity Today Im Shared Great trick CafeLand
Required Codes :

In case this won't work.
Go to the [Disable] part.
I included the game function, so you will be able to update the codes yourself.
Only if you understand what to do!

luacall(showMessage("Hile Enes Acýbadem :) "))
aobscan(hack,33 C8 B8 04 00 00 00 89 4A 10 8B 4D F0)

sub ecx,ecx
mov ecx,[edx+10]
add [edx+10],ecx
mov ecx,[ebp-10]

jmp returnhere

jmp newmem

db 89 4A 10 8B 4D F0

Original function
Opcdes+bytes, incase of an update you will able to update yourself
If you understand what to do..
55                    - push ebp
8B EC                 - mov ebp,esp
83 EC 38              - sub esp,38
89 5D E4              - mov [ebp-1C],ebx
8B 5D 08              - mov ebx,[ebp+08]
8B 4D 10              - mov ecx,[ebp+10]
8D 45 F0              - lea eax,[ebp-10]
8B 15 4098FA08        - mov edx,[08FA9840] : [00000000]
89 5D F4              - mov [ebp-0C],ebx
89 55 F0              - mov [ebp-10],edx
89 05 4098FA08        - mov [08FA9840],eax
8B 15 3098FA08        - mov edx,[08FA9830] : [00290000]
3B C2                 - cmp eax,edx
73 0A                 - jae 0AF5CC61
8B CB                 - mov ecx,ebx
E8 42CE6E4F           - call NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.BrokerMainW+80D23
8B 4D 10              - mov ecx,[ebp+10]
8B 11                 - mov edx,[ecx]
89 55 E8              - mov [ebp-18],edx
8B 41 04              - mov eax,[ecx+04]
89 45 EC              - mov [ebp-14],eax
8B 4B 0C              - mov ecx,[ebx+0C]
89 4D DC              - mov [ebp-24],ecx
8B 59 08              - mov ebx,[ecx+08]
8B 4B 14              - mov ecx,[ebx+14]
8B 5D E4              - mov ebx,[ebp-1C]
89 4D FC              - mov [ebp-04],ecx
8B 4A 14              - mov ecx,[edx+14]
89 4D E4              - mov [ebp-1C],ecx
66 0F57 C9            - xorpd xmm1,xmm1
8B 4D E4              - mov ecx,[ebp-1C]
81 E9 00000080        - sub ecx,80000000
66 0F57 C0            - xorpd xmm0,xmm0
F2 0F2A C1            - cvtsi2sd xmm0,xmm1
F2 0F58 05 90A7C85A   - addsd xmm0,[NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.dll+B7A790]
66 0F2E C1            - ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
0F85 FC000000         - jne 0AF5CDA7
0F8A F6000000         - jp 0AF5CDA7
8B 45 FC              - mov eax,[ebp-04]
8D 80 6CF20000        - lea eax,[eax+0000F26C]
89 45 FC              - mov [ebp-04],eax
8B FF                 - mov edi,edi
8D 55 F0              - lea edx,[ebp-10]
8B 4D FC              - mov ecx,[ebp-04]
E8 5669734F           - call NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.BrokerMainW+CA8A3
8B 4D FC              - mov ecx,[ebp-04]
8D 55 F0              - lea edx,[ebp-10]
E8 4B69734F           - call NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.BrokerMainW+CA8A3
8B C8                 - mov ecx,eax
8B 41 10              - mov eax,[ecx+10]
8B 50 08              - mov edx,[eax+08]
8B 8A 9C000000        - mov ecx,[edx+0000009C]
8D 55 FC              - lea edx,[ebp-04]
89 45 FC              - mov [ebp-04],eax
8B 41 04              - mov eax,[ecx+04]
83 EC 04              - sub esp,04
52                    - push edx
6A 00                 - push 00
51                    - push ecx
FF D0                 - call eax
83 C4 10              - add esp,10
F2 0F10 1D 505C3A06   - movsd xmm3,[063A5C50] : [(float)0.0000]
66 0F57 D2            - xorpd xmm2,xmm2
8B 45 DC              - mov eax,[ebp-24]
DD 5D E0              - fstp qword ptr [ebp-20]
F3 0F7E 45 E0         - movq xmm0,[ebp-20]
8B 48 1C              - mov ecx,[eax+1C]
83 E1 F8              - and ecx,F8
8B 41 18              - mov eax,[ecx+18]
66 0F57 C9            - xorpd xmm1,xmm1
F2 0F2A C8            - cvtsi2sd xmm1,xmm0
F2 0F58 CA            - addsd xmm1,xmm2
F2 0F5C CA            - subsd xmm1,xmm2
F2 0F58 CB            - addsd xmm1,xmm3
F2 0F5C CA            - subsd xmm1,xmm2
B8 FFFFFFFF           - mov eax,FFFFFFFF
66 0F57 D2            - xorpd xmm2,xmm2
F2 0F2A D0            - cvtsi2sd xmm2,xmm0
F2 0F58 CA            - addsd xmm1,xmm2
F2 0F59 C1            - mulsd xmm0,xmm1
8B FF                 - mov edi,edi
83 EC 08              - sub esp,08
83 EC 08              - sub esp,08
66 0FD6 04 24         - movq [esp],xmm0
E8 99176E4F           - call NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.BrokerMainW+75773
83 C4 10              - add esp,10
F2 0F10 0D 505C3A06   - movsd xmm1,[063A5C50] : [(float)0.0000]
8B 55 E8              - mov edx,[ebp-18]
8B 45 EC              - mov eax,[ebp-14]
DD 5D E0              - fstp qword ptr [ebp-20]
F3 0F7E 45 E0         - movq xmm0,[ebp-20]
F2 0F58 C1            - addsd xmm0,xmm1
F2 0F2C C8            - cvttsd2si ecx,xmm0
89 4D FC              - mov [ebp-04],ecx
81 F9 00000080        - cmp ecx,80000000
75 1E                 - jne 0AF5CDA1
83 EC 08              - sub esp,08
83 EC 08              - sub esp,08
66 0FD6 04 24         - movq [esp],xmm0
E8 ED3F6E4F           - call NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.BrokerMainW+78003
83 C4 10              - add esp,10
8B 55 E8              - mov edx,[ebp-18]
8B C8                 - mov ecx,eax
8B 45 EC              - mov eax,[ebp-14]
89 4D FC              - mov [ebp-04],ecx
8B 4D FC              - mov ecx,[ebp-04]
89 4A 14              - mov [edx+14],ecx
66 0F57 C9            - xorpd xmm1,xmm1
F2 0F2A C8            - cvtsi2sd xmm1,xmm0
B8 FFFFFFFF           - mov eax,FFFFFFFF
66 0F57 D2            - xorpd xmm2,xmm2
F2 0F2A D0            - cvtsi2sd xmm2,xmm0
F2 0F58 CA            - addsd xmm1,xmm2
B8 0B000000           - mov eax,0000000B
66 0F57 C0            - xorpd xmm0,xmm0
F2 0F2A C0            - cvtsi2sd xmm0,xmm0
F2 0F58 C8            - addsd xmm1,xmm0
B8 0A000000           - mov eax,0000000A
66 0F57 C0            - xorpd xmm0,xmm0
F2 0F2A C0            - cvtsi2sd xmm0,xmm0
F2 0F5C C8            - subsd xmm1,xmm0
66 0FD6 4D D8         - movq [ebp-28],xmm1
8B 42 14              - mov eax,[edx+14]
89 45 FC              - mov [ebp-04],eax
8B 45 FC              - mov eax,[ebp-04]
2D 00000080           - sub eax,80000000
66 0F57 C0            - xorpd xmm0,xmm0
F2 0F2A C0            - cvtsi2sd xmm0,xmm0
F2 0F58 05 90A7C85A   - addsd xmm0,[NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.dll+B7A790]
B8 14000000           - mov eax,00000014
66 0F57 DB            - xorpd xmm3,xmm3
F2 0F2A D8            - cvtsi2sd xmm3,xmm0
F2 0F58 C3            - addsd xmm0,xmm3
F2 0F5C C3            - subsd xmm0,xmm3
B8 01000000           - mov eax,00000001
66 0F57 DB            - xorpd xmm3,xmm3
F2 0F2A D8            - cvtsi2sd xmm3,xmm0
F2 0F58 C3            - addsd xmm0,xmm3
F2 0F58 C2            - addsd xmm0,xmm2
66 0FD6 45 E0         - movq [ebp-20],xmm0
F2 0F2C C1            - cvttsd2si eax,xmm1
89 45 FC              - mov [ebp-04],eax
3D 00000080           - cmp eax,80000000
75 23                 - jne 0AF5CE65
F3 0F7E 45 D8         - movq xmm0,[ebp-28]
83 EC 08              - sub esp,08
83 EC 08              - sub esp,08
66 0FD6 04 24         - movq [esp],xmm0
E8 293F6E4F           - call NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.BrokerMainW+78003
83 C4 10              - add esp,10
F3 0F7E 45 E0         - movq xmm0,[ebp-20]
8B 55 E8              - mov edx,[ebp-18]
89 45 FC              - mov [ebp-04],eax
8B 4D FC              - mov ecx,[ebp-04]
89 4D EC              - mov [ebp-14],ecx
F2 0F2C C0            - cvttsd2si eax,xmm0
89 45 FC              - mov [ebp-04],eax
3D 00000080           - cmp eax,80000000
75 1C                 - jne 0AF5CE95
83 EC 08              - sub esp,08
83 EC 08              - sub esp,08
66 0FD6 04 24         - movq [esp],xmm0
E8 F73E6E4F           - call NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.BrokerMainW+78003
83 C4 10              - add esp,10
8B 55 E8              - mov edx,[ebp-18]
8B 4D EC              - mov ecx,[ebp-14]
89 45 FC              - mov [ebp-04],eax
8B 45 FC              - mov eax,[ebp-04]
33 C8                 - xor ecx,eax
B8 04000000           - mov eax,00000004
89 4A 10              - mov [edx+10],ecx
8B 4D F0              - mov ecx,[ebp-10]
89 0D 4098FA08        - mov [08FA9840],ecx
8B E5                 - mov esp,ebp
5D                    - pop ebp
C3                    - ret

Required Program Cheat Engine: CLICKThanks to this trick you can do:
-Task Completion 
-Fast Food Cooking 
-Unlimited Food


Dragon City Bot ( No Corrupted )

9 komentar

New Bot No Corrupt Feautures Same Like Old Bot

-150-500M Gold

-35-50K Food


Just Need Netframework 

pass : trgalamurat

- Open DC
- Find Session Id And FBID

- Open Bot (Dont Close DC or Reload DC)
- Accept / Centang
- Click Giris yap
- Enter Pass Word = trgalamurat
- Click Kontrol
- Enter Your Session ID And FBID

- Choose Features Food And Gold (secenek 1 , 2 , or 3 )
- Click Hilayi Baslat
- Wait 
- Reload DC Look your Food Or Gold


18 Aug 2013

Fixed Link Get Dues Dragon For 50 Gems

41 komentar

Buy Deus breeding nest & deus pet egg for 50 gems 


HERE  ( Need 50 Gems And You Get Deus Pet And Breeding )



Get deus pet breeding nest only for 50 gems
Check gems before buy. if gems decrease . check storage 


Cheats For Money And Level NightClub City

17 komentar
nightclup date

Hi Brackedcommunity This Cheat NC Series Level and Money.
Required Program Cheat Engine: CLICK
Required Code:
aobscan (hack, C7 45 A0 00 00 00 00 89 73 3C 8B) 
db FF FF FF C7 43 3C 8B 07 90 90 90 

Note: Follow the Video.

Bot Dragon City V.5.0.3 New 2013

26 komentar

Hi Friends Great trick you with the V7.
Required Program: CLICK 
By Date 18/08/2013 updated.
Important Note: Friend Great Work I told Cheat New Update Released V.5.0.2 works fine.
What you can do with this trick.
-150-500M Gold 
-35-50K Food 
-New Feature 2  be able to 1-Touch.

Activation Code: trgalamurat

17 Aug 2013

Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia Yang Ke 68

8 komentar

Jailbreak Dan Admin Mengucapkan Selamat 17 Agustus-an ....

Semoga Negara Ini Menjadi Lebih Baik Lebih Maju Dan Insya Allah Menjadi Yang Terbaik.

Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka!

Dragon City Bot Collection 2013

18 komentar

Hello Brackedcommunity Today Im Updated Bot Dragon City 17 August 2013



150-500M Gold (Between Bişey Future)
- 35-50K Food (Between Bişey Future)

BOT 3.5,0.2 HERE
-150-500M Gold (Between Bişey Future)
-35-50K Food (Between Bişey Future)
-New Feature 2  be able to 1-Touch.
IMPORTANT : Net Framework Required